Parent Resources
Runnymede has created the following email address,, to report absences.
This email address is for absences only.
Please make sure you include the following:
student’s first and last name
homeroom teacher name
reason for absence
your first and last name
phone number where you can be reached
Important reminders:
All dismissal changes need to be in writing, in advance and signed by a custodial parent/guardian. Per county policy, we may not take dismissal changes via phone or email. Please send in a written note for any dismissal changes. A faxed note can be received at 410-751-3930, however you must call after sending the fax to verify it was received.
Requests for vacations or days off also need to be in writing from a custodial parent/guardian in advance to school administration for approval.
Health room info
Health Room Info
School Nurse - Mrs. Bonnie Sahm, R.N.
(P) 410-751-3203 (F) 410-751-3930
Monday-Friday 8:45-4:15
Health Room Forms
Click on the CCPS Health Services link for information concerning CCPS Policies and Procedures and to download other forms.
Fever - A temperature of 100° or more. CCPS policy is that students must be fever free WITHOUT medication for 24 hours in order to return to school. Please keep them home if they've had a fever the night before. In addition, if a student is sent home with a fever they may not return until they have been fever free without medication for 24 hours. If they do return sooner they will be sent back home.
Strep Throat - This is a highly contagious condition that is caused by a bacterial infection. Symptoms usually include a sore throat, fever and possibly a headache or stomach ache/nausea. Strep can only be diagnosed in a doctor's office, so you will need to contact your physician if symptoms are present. If your child is diagnosed with strep, they will need to be on antibiotics for 24 hours. Please send them with a doctor's note when they return.
Diarrhea and Vomiting - This is uncomfortable and being near a bathroom becomes a top priority. If these symptoms persist, you should contact your physician. Students should remain home for 24 hours after the vomiting/diarrhea stops.
Conjunctivitis or Pink Eye - This is highly contagious and uncomfortable. Symptoms might include eyes which are itchy, red, have a yellow/white discharge or if your child wakes up in the morning and their lashes are stuck together. They also may complain of sensitivity to light. Contact your physician if you think your child has pink eye. Your child will need to have been on antibiotic drops for 24 hours in order to return to school.
Ear Infection - Symptoms could include severe ear pain, fever, dizziness or headache. Hearing loss can happen if left untreated. You should contact your physician if your child has symptoms.
Lice - Symptoms include head itching, seeing small white dots that are difficult to remove from the hair shaft or perhaps seeing the actual louse itself. If your child has lice, they are not to return to school until they have been treated. After treatment, a parent/guardian needs to drive them to school, bringing the empty bottle/box as proof of treatment, to be checked by the School Nurse, to be sure they are lice free before returning to class. Students with chronic lice may be required to be nit free before returning.
If you are unsure whether you should keep your child home, please call Nurse Bonnie to discuss your individual concerns.
What Medications Are Allowed?
All medications require a CCPS Medication Form filled out by your child's physician.(see link above) Remember - Students are not allowed to carry medication to or from school, as this is a violation of the CCPS Drug and Alcohol policy.
Exemptions include:
- Chapstick/Lip Balm
- Non-medicated cough drops
- Waterless hand cleanser
- Saline eye drops or nose spray
- Hand creams/lotions
- Sunscreen
Does My Child Need Extra Clothing?
Please send a change of weather appropriate clothes for your child to keep in their locker. Children often have spills, bathroom accidents, slip in the mud, etc. and need to change their clothing. We have a limited supply of clothing to loan in the nurse’s office, but if the clothes haven’t been returned by others, then your child having extra clothing with them will alleviate me having to call you to bring clothes. If your child has borrowed clothes, please wash and send the clothes back to the nurse so they will be available for the next time they are needed.
Home Access Center
The Home Access Center is Carroll County Public Schools’ portal for parents. It allows parents/guardians to login and view information pertaining to their child. The Home Access Center is provided for the express use of the parents of Carroll County Public School District students to assist in the communication of important educational information. The goal of the Home Access Center is to assist you in effectively communicating with the teachers,
staff, and administration about your student. Click the icon below to go to the website.